Service Score

Service Score

Service Score

Introducing ServiceScore, BLiNK AI's latest innovation designed to elevate the guest experience in automotive dealerships. ServiceScore is a sophisticated survey solution sent to customers immediately after their service appointment, capturing real-time feedback and tracking customer satisfaction results

Key Features

Real-Time Feedback Collection
ServiceScore gathers instant feedback from your customers post-service, ensuring timely and accurate insights.

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Enhancement
By focusing on collecting and tracking positive ratings, ServiceScore boosts CSI scores, a crucial metric for your dealerships.

Immediate Alert System
ServiceScore's advanced alert system notifies you instantly when a customer reports a poor experience, enabling prompt follow-up and resolution

Proactive Reputation Management
By addressing issues before negative reviews are posted, you will be better able to protect your reputation and improve customer retention.

Advanced Analytics Tools
ServiceScore includes powerful analytics tools that identify detailed contributors to customer sentiment, allowing dealerships to pinpoint specific areas for improvement and capitalize on strengths.


  • Enhanced Customer Experience
    ServiceScore empowers your dealership to understand and improve service quality based on direct customer feedback.

  • Increased CSI Scores
    By promoting positive reviews and promptly addressing negative experiences, you will achieve higher CSI scores.

  • Swift Issue Resolution
    The immediate alert system allows for quick intervention, turning potential negative experiences into positive ones.

  • Reputation Protection
    Proactively manage customer feedback and maintain a strong online reputation.

  • Actionable Insights
    The advanced analytics tools provide detailed insights into customer sentiment, helping dealerships make informed decisions to enhance service quality and customer satisfaction.

With ServiceScore, BLiNK AI continues to perfect the science of guest experience, providing you with the tools they need to exceed customer expectations and drive success.
